We have gone from the fire and passionate sign of Leo into the Virgo territory until Sept 21st.
This earthy and mutable sign will help be able to ground and find ways to be more adaptable.
This sign is going to help us be practical and organized in the way we approach things. Be mindful that you may be drawn to doing things perfectly. As a coach, I often see perfectionist tendencies to be a form of procrastination. Remember, done is better than perfect. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself.
This is a great time to connect with the earth, embrace the last few days of summer, and see how we can be of service to others. Let go of the need to control and who cares if you don’t always get it right!
In astrology, my midheaven is in Virgo which makes me have tendencies toward realistic, sensible, and prefer to build upon a solids foundation rather than be spontaneous.
Where does your Virgo live in your birth chart?
How do you plan to harness the power of the Virgo season?